Shit, it's  the 20th of December, 10 days to ' GET IT DONE! 

Christmas ( ba humbug!).

29th Dec...Nine days. I'll write that again: Nine Days! And no progress.  No paint on the ground...So 29th Dec: Sart. Delivery  to Dublin circa the 3rd Jan?


OMG 30 Dec



 Darkened down to get the effect on the wall

First of Jan!

PS. Attracta says its finished. 

Delivery tomorrow. 

Paint till noon then . Make the frame, paint same fix same. and attach painting.

The dog gets up at 6. Oh Joy! Attracta needs to leave at 9.50 

So drift in the shadows  in the sky  and on the building facades, and walk away. Actually the most left and the most right had to be ' up colour washed' as well. But what the Hay!

Available. Email for enquires.

Selected for a group show in GalleryX, Dublin January 2023, by Curator Tony Strickland